Dialogues, Symposiums, and Debates
by Will Durant
Edited and with an introduction by John Little
Durant once lamented that, "philosophy is no longer
loved today because she has lost the spirit of adventure." Adventures
in Philosophy is Durant's attempt to recapture that spirit.
In actual debates, symposiums, and personal discussions,
topics such as the meaning of life, politics, religion, history,
and the nature of humanity are all explored by Durant and
some of the leading minds of the 20th century.
Also included
are fictional dialogues, written by Durant, which bring together
many of history's greatest minds in
a discussion of philosophy's most challenging questions.
In these symposiums, the scope and breadth of Durant's erudition
is at once apparent, yet done so in wonderful, often epigrammatic,
prose that (as Max Schuster once commented) "begs to
read aloud."
ISBN 978-0-9737698-1-4
$19.99 |
by Will Durant
comes from the Greek words meaning "love of wisdom." In
English, it is called philosophy - the study of the most important
and enduring questions of the human race. Questions like, "What
is reality?" "Is there a God?" "What happens
when I die?" (among others) have intrigued mankind for millenniums
and continue to pique the interest of eager seekers after truth.
Perhaps more so than any other discipline, philosophy is best understood
as a dialogue between ourselves and the great minds of the past
- a dialogue that has endured for thousands of years. Drawing upon
Pulitzer-Prize winner Will Durant's essays, as well as never-before-published
talks and dialogues on philosophy and philosophers, An Invitation
to Philosophy presents a magnificent introduction to philosophy
with an overview of its major branches, their problems and capabilities,
as well as brief profiles of four of the discipline's most inspirational
representatives (Confucius, Socrates, Plato and Giordano Bruno).
An Invitation to Philosophy is a compass and guide to
navigating the moral ocean of the human soul, in addition to being
the definitive presentation of the philosophy of Will Durant, who
makes an eloquent case for the very need of philosophy in our daily
96 pages
ISBN 0-9731745-0-1
by James Bishop
For the average person,
Bruce Lee was a brief star in the entertainment industry who
spawned a pop
But to those
who knew him, Bruce Lee was also an author, scholar, educator,
philosopher, as well as a groundbreaking martial artist; a man
whose creative energy and desire to grow brought him the respect
of hundreds of thousands of people.
Bruce Lee: Dynamic Becoming is the culmination of several years
of research into the life and philosophy of Bruce Lee. The book
is a serious scholastic
examination of Lee’s philosophy, for the first time revealing never-before-released
information regarding the sources from which Lee derived it. Bruce
Lee: Dynamic Becoming includes interviews with students and friends
of Bruce Lee who were profoundly impacted by his philosophy and
is the only book on the philosophy of Bruce Lee that includes commentary
on the subject by noted scholars in the mainstream philosophical
and scholastic community.
Bruce Lee: Dynamic Becoming also examines the life of the late
martial arts master and includes a new theory on the mysterious
death of Bruce Lee.
206 pages
ISBN 0-9734054-0-6
by Will Durant
Volume Two of the Will Durant Millenium Series
the Fall of 1930 Will Durant found himself outside his home in
Lake Hill, New York, raking leaves. He was approached by a well-dressed
man who told him in a quiet tone that he was going to kill himself
unless the philosopher could give him a valid reason not to. Not
having the time to wax philosophic on the matter, Durant did his
best to furnish the man with reasons to continue his existence.
Haunted by the encounter with the despondent stranger, Durant
contacted 100 luminaries in the arts, politics, religion and sciences,
them to respond not only to the fundamental question of life's
meaning (in the abstract) but also to relate how they each (in
the particular) found meaning, purpose and fulfillment in their
own lives. Durant turned their answers and his own into a book
entitled On The Meaning Of Life, which was released to the general
public in 1932. Upromoted, the litte treasure found its way into
few hands, and almost no copies of the book exist today. Now available
for a new generation through Promethean Press, On The Meaning
Of Life is a powerful book on a very powerful topic.
In this book
Will Durant has fashioned an unprecedented "dream team" of luminaries
that is both profound and diverse: poets, philosophers, saints,
inmates, athletes, Nobel Prize winners, college professors, psychologists,
entertainers, musicians, authors and leaders. Within their varied
insights, despite their uniqueness as individuals and the very
different lives they led, the reader will note a consistent thread
running through their viewpoints, revealing a commonality among
human beings who not only seek meaning in life, but who actually
achieve it.
110 pages
ISBN 0-9731745-0-1
110 pages
ISBN 0-9737698-0-71
$15.95 |
The Annotated Edition
by Will Durant
Edited and with an introduction by James Bishop
Philosophy and the Social Problem, Will Durant's first book,
Durant argues that philosophy has fallen into disrepute because
it has stood high and dry upon academic ground, has occupied
itself generally with the problem of knowledge, and has not
gone down among the crowd to be of practical service. Durant
says that philosophy can justify itself only by fruits which
are of direct utility to the common man. And since the great
prblem of the modern world is the social problem - the problem
of waste and wat, rich and poor, luxury and starvation, child
labor and education, crime, and so on - it follows that philosophy
must be brought to take this problem in hand and that it
will stand or fall as a factor in civilization according
as it is or is not adequate to its solution.
The new edition of this hard-to-find
treasure is fully annotated with philosophical details, historical
facts, and behind-the-scenes insights into the man and his
PRE-ORDER: This item will be released
on February 18th.
ISBN 978-0-9737698-6-9
$19.99 |
The Deluxe Edition
by Bertrand Russell
Foreword by Will Durant
Edited and with an introduction by James Bishop
"Roads to Freedom" is a fascinating glimpse of progressive intellectual politics at the turn of the twentieth century. Written at the end of the first world war in the midst of great and rapid world change, the book is an historical analysis and criticism of Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism by the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, the author of "Why Men Fight". This deluxe edition of "Roads to Freedom" has an additional essay by Bertrand Russell titled "Democracy and Direct Action" and a never-before-included foreword by the Pulitzer Prize-winning philosopher and historian Will Durant.
"A remarkable book by a remarkable man." The London Times "Really worth reading," The New York Evening Post.
"We strongly advise a careful reading of 'Roads to Freedom' as good medicine for these times. Those who have the courage to look facts in the face will get from it both warning and information. Others if they can be induced to read, may be shocked by it out of a dangerous complacency." The Westminster Gazette
BERTRAND RUSSELL (1872-1970) won the
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950. A celebrated British
and mathematician, his works include "Why I Am Not a Christian" (1927), "Power: A New Social Analysis" (1938), and "My Philosophical Development" (1959).
ISBN 978-0-9737698-7-6
$19.95 |