by Will Durant
comes from the Greek words meaning "love of wisdom." In
English, it is called philosophy - the study of the most important
and enduring questions of the human race. Questions like, "What
is reality?" "Is there a God?" "What happens
when I die?" (among others) have intrigued mankind for millenniums
and continue to pique the interest of eager seekers after truth.
Perhaps more so than any other discipline, philosophy is best understood
as a dialogue between ourselves and the great minds of the past
- a dialogue that has endured for thousands of years. Drawing upon
Pulitzer-Prize winner Will Durant's essays, as well as never-before-published
talks and dialogues on philosophy and philosophers, An Invitation
to Philosophy presents a magnificent introduction to philosophy
with an overview of its major branches, their problems and capabilities,
as well as brief profiles of four of the discipline's most inspirational
representatives (Confucius, Socrates, Plato and Giordano Bruno).
An Invitation to Philosophy is a compass and guide to
navigating the moral ocean of the human soul, in addition to being
the definitive presentation of the philosophy of Will Durant, who
makes an eloquent case for the very need of philosophy in our daily
96 pages
ISBN 0-9731745-0-1